About LeagueSimulator.EU

2017, May

Finally I found a kind of advertising not aggressive for this website. I do not pretend to get rich with this, I just hope this helps me to improve the hosting service and the speed of the web. I know it is sometimes a little annoying advertising on a website. I will try not to disturb much to the navigation of the users.

Thanks for understanding

My name is Raimon, I'm from Barcelona. Now, i'm working as a salaried employee by a small company. I do not work on my own. This is the big problem why I can't dedicate more time to improve this site

I'm thinking to try to get some money from my personal projects, just to upgrate the hosting and speeding the website and to be able to dedicate more time in. I was looking for to add advertisements at this website, but I don't want to insert aggressive advertising that annoys navigation and the users.

Some people offered me to make some donnations, but at the moment I do prefer to don't accept it, because I could only accept your help when I will be able to dedicate more time developping by my own.

I'm not an English speaker, so I apoligose about my English and about my grammar mistakes. I would appreciate so much if you detect some mistake and you let me know.

Barcelona, 1st on March 2017